Famous Flight Attendants From Movies

We have recently launched a world's first Instagram Flight Attendant contest and in light of this event, our articles are FA-themed! On Tuesday we have told you about Flight Attendant's duties on a private jet, today we want to show some of our inspiration and tell you about the famous fictional flight attendants!

Catch Me If You Can

One of the most memorable scenes, where Frank Abagnale Jr., played by Leonardo DiCaprio, escapes the airport dressed as a pilot and accompanied by flight attendants. Just look at those uniforms!


A thriller set in an airplane couldn't be complete without flight attendants! Let's be brief to not spoil the movie for anyone who hasn't watched it: the flight attendant Stephanie plays a crucial role in the plot!

Jackie Brown

Quentin Tarantino's famous crime drama about the flight attendant Jackie Brown. From a flight attendant to a criminal mastermind - it's a movie worth watching.

View From The Top

A light-hearted rom-com about a small-town girl achieving her dream of becoming a flight attendant, and, later, a pilot. And of course, she finds love along the way!


This list wouldn't be complete without this classic disaster film parody. It is widely regarded as one of the best comedies of all time. It's hard to describe the plot of the movie - it's best to see for yourself! And yes, the flight attendant is one of the main characters.

June 25, 2020